You’re Okay.

2 min readAug 13, 2021

The comfort in the sentence “you’re okay” coming from someone who sincerely means it is a gift that goes beyond our superficial view of life.

Even when the sky is falling, knowing that you can return to a place where you truly are okay is a blessing. People turn to substances, people and things to help bring them to this sense of okayness but it only lasts for a short while. The suffering will return, and this time with a vengeance.

You’re okay.

I want you to look to the present moment. What do you immediately see? Hear? Smell? Feel? Bring your loving attention back to this place. Allow sensory experience to expand, and take up space in you. The feelings of longing, hurt, pain, fear, it’s all okay. Let them in, there is enough space in what you truly are.

The natural mistake made was to label these feelings as they arise. To give them a name and then judge them as good or bad. As holy or sinful. When in reality, the feeling itself did not have a name inherent too it, it is neither good nor bad. It’s your kin and it’s looking for your loving attention so that it may blossom and sing its song, to live its life, and to depart when its ready.

We make the mistake of rushing these feelings out the door when instead, the reality of it all is that we are okay if they stay or if they go. We can let them do their dance, there is more than enough space in us. Infinite really.

The anxiety is found in the concern that the “bad” feelings won’t leave but is that really the truth? What’s wrong with the “bad” feelings? Why are they treated differently than the “good”? The attitude we have is, “good feelings please stay around longer and bad feelings please stay away.” and that’s what fuels this war we have with our feelings. Why fight the reality of whats ALREADY here.

So don’t make it a spiritual practice to be more accepting when you are ALREADY accepting. This present moment doesn’t ask you for permission, it is already here. Just remembering is enough. To return your attention back to the breath and to see life dance all within you.

Let these feelings be a reminder of what’s already here and allow yourself to rest in this place, the place you always were in.





anything written is to further understanding and a benchmark for growth