3 min readJul 26, 2021


We humans love abstractions. Words, ideas, thoughts. All of them are so immensely tasty — we are addicted.

We use words to try to point to different things in our experience, to point to a shared reality that we seem to exist in. However, at the cost of being able to communicate, we have entered a linguistic battle with ourselves. The origin of thought itself, finding it’s voice with human language. That voice, which so often bothers us, is simply the result of the deal we made with the devil called abstraction. Now, abstractions are not evil nor are they inherently good but at the level of truth, they exist only to serve but are terrible masters.

Many humans have made abstractions their masters. This happens unknowingly as this pattern is exhibited in our own societies. The mistake is all found in the violent war they partake in as a separate entity away from life. I call it “violent” because of the gross identification of what you truly are against an image of what you “think” you are. It’s within this gap that a violent battle appears. This war is tricky. You can fight the war once and it’ll be over or a new enemy will rear its head not one moment after your apparent victory. This hedonistic cycle of suffering is what captures our fellow brother and sisters. Until you realize, and understand that this internal struggle needs only to happen once, the battle will continue to rage on.

It is simply an image, a mental construct, a thought form that you have romanticized and fallen for. It is subtle, discreet, and seems so natural that you wouldn’t think twice to accept it as your own. They are tasty, addictive and carry with them feelings that you can’t find anywhere else. It’s within the attention, and habits surrounding these images that become the spawn of suffering. A “middle finger” to the present moment, and an acceptance that any other place but right here is good enough.

The past and future are delicious places for images to exist and it’s within the minds of each of us that puts these situations together. They aren’t bad nor are they good. They lack any inherent qualities. We do not have an attribute to describe these thoughts even though they govern most of our lives.

Why is that? Why let something you know nothing about govern your life? Govern this moment? Why give a “thing” power when it has no attributes within it to wield such power?

We seem to be at war with what is already here. Always wanting to go here and there. Kinda looks like neurosis to me. For some reason, whatever is appearing to us right now, in this present experience is so bad that we hide away in thoughts and activities just to keep up the illusion that we see in our images.

Now, it’s perfectly fine to want to be “lost in the clouds” and that is deeply allowed. Everything is deeply allowed as it is already here. If we can simply remember that, things become clearer. Remember that what is already showing itself is filled with abundance and life. That this moment is a miracle in itself, even running away from this moment constitutes as a miracle. When we are lost in the clouds, we are still lost in the clouds within this current moment. We cannot escape it, regardless of how hard we try. The current moment is absolutely permanent. There is a guarantee that for as long as you know of life, it shall be.

The single wave in the ocean that we all seem to be is refreshingly unique but has made the assumption that it is separate from the rest of the ocean. When in reality, it was always a part of the ocean, alongside everything else, and when that wave “dies” it will simply return back to the ocean and come again as a new wave, a continual cycle.

In the end, we just need to see clearly. To clear away all the muck and dirt and see life as it truly is. To simply be in this present moment as you already are. You cannot escape it, so may as well enjoy it.





anything written is to further understanding and a benchmark for growth