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Follow Natures Advice

3 min readFeb 10, 2021


Nature doesn’t make a fuss, she keeps on chugging along.

I don’t mean to personify nature in this way but I think its a vastly interesting subject. When we view the seasons or natural phenomenon, they all happen without needing permission. Nature cannot stop and the different cycles that occur year round also can’t either and try as we might, nature will always find a way to keep going.

I like to view life as a role model in some respects. It keeps on moving but it doesn’t have an opinion on whats going on within it. It works 100% of the time but never judges its own content.

Why can’t we do the same? Do as life does and work impersonally?

Funnily enough we already do this. Naturally.

However a pesky mind and ego have positioned themselves to take credit for the bounty that life has allowed. We take credit, and we attack ourselves over the trivial aspects of life. These all root themselves so deeply that most people don’t even notice it. Business as usual.

Human suffering has come from the misunderstanding of who we truly are and our place in this dream. People are trying to move upstream against the current of life itself and in the effort get hit by all sorts of different things.

Humanity and suffering seem to have a codependent relationship and don’t seem to be breaking up anytime soon. Now, this only holds true for people living in true ignorance of who they are. People living wholly through their conditioning will suffer relentlessly, them the rules.

These people find life hard.

However these folks are mistaken. They are trying to work adjacent or completely opposite of life itself and through ambition, fear, anxiety and greed that they find themselves in a hard spot. Nature’s work is hard, life’s work is hard, the sun’s work is hard but you don’t see them complaining.

They keep moving.

We have the fantastic gift of being awareness, this facet of our existence is all we actually have. To deny it and life is the real sin if you would like to so characterize it that way. When we realize what we truly are, we find that there are no opinions, no judgments and no problems.

What you truly are doesn’t care about your status in society nor does it care about anything that your ego cares about. It simply is open.

Life or love is misunderstood and there are people who will go their whole life completely ignorant of what it truly points to. Remove the person and life will gush through and take you where you need to be.

Life is just itching to be good friends with you but your sense of separation is stubborn and is constantly turning down her efforts. When you realize that life really wants to express itself through you and breakup with our ego is when change occurs. When no longer hindered, the most beautiful process can take place and its here that you find your place to rest.

In this way its almost like sitting comfortably on a boat going down the river of life and simply enjoying the view. You see no need to fight the river and therefore avoid major suffering and instead let the river take you where it may.

Wherever you end up, you’ll only find love.

You’ll find that who you are never left, and didn’t need searching for. The simple recognition is enough.

Life works relentlessly and let that flow through you. When you do so, nothing is impossible.

Drop the person and accept life.




anything written is to further understanding and a benchmark for growth